November 21, 2020
Homebrew Advent Calendar
Our annual tradition is back for its fifth year! For anyone new to the group this year, Newfermenters organizes a homebrew Advent beer calendar every year. The first 24 people interested who can commit to submit 24 beer are guaranteed to have a spot. In return you will receive one of everyone else’s beer.
For details, see the Announcement Post.
Drop offs due November 21. Pickup available November 27.
Location TBD
February 20, 2021
Homebrew Duel
The Middle of Nowhere Homebrew Club has challenged Newfermenters to a Homebrew Duel! Each club submits their top beer in five categories, which a judged in both locations in a head to head showdown.
For details, see the Announcement Post.
Newfermenters entries due January 29. Final round showdown February 20.
Location TBD
Got ideas for an event you’d like to attend? Head over to our contact page and let us know what you’re interested in.