(v1.0 Last edit: October 10, 2020)

This page contains our Posting Guidelines for our Facebook group (Newfermenters) which are enforced by our moderators. This club is about building a community through a shared passion for homebrewing and these guidelines help make the posts and interactions on our Facebook groups more amicable.


Beginner questions are very much welcome, we are here to help you learn! If your question is specific to you or a problem you are having, please go ahead and post it we’ll do our best to help troubleshoot.


If you wish to share something you are brewing or want to brew, please include as much information as possible. Sharing detailed recipe/process information should be done as a full post, so people can ask questions.


Personal classified ads for equipment/supplies are encouraged.  An “asking price” is required for each item/lot. If giving away, just say FREE. Posts should be deleted when a buyer is found. We also encourage members to organize group buys of any homebrewing related items they can think of.

Selling of alcohol (homebrew or commercial) is not allowed our group, these posts will be deleted. Trading homebrew is permitted, but trading commercial beer should be done in one of the many places dedicated to that.


Commercial beer is related to the purpose of the group, and we love it too, however we have some rules to stop it from overshadowing the main homebrewing purpose.

Standalone posts about cloning or replicating a commercial beer, or an aspect of a commercial beer are allowed, but we do ask that you provide as much detail as possible in the post to incite discussion on the topic.

The “What Are You Drinking” (WAYD) thread is the designated place to share what commercial beer you are drinking/buying. Non-specific commercial beer posts made to the main feed will be deleted so that relevant homebrew discussion isn’t buried. Homebrew can be posted in WAYD too, but we encourage you make a new post with recipe/process information instead to incite discussion and learning.

Anything that is intentionally harmful to the reputation of a brewery is subject to deletion. Pro-brewers are some of our largest supporters and go out of their way to sponsor events and competitions, as well as answer questions. All discussion about flaws found in commercial beer should be constructive and detailed.


This is a group primarily for discussing homebrewing and craft beer. Any outside links posted should contain quality information about beer and brewing. Links not related to the interests/intent of the group are subject to deletion at the discretion of the admins.

This includes discussion of making spirits/distillation, which is illegal to do at home in Canada. Discussion of fractional distillation will be allowed on a case-by-case basis as long as the intent is to make a “beer” and not a spirit.


We strive to be an inclusive, welcoming, and diverse community. There will be no tolerance of discrimination based on any grounds, sexism, rude behaviour, or personal attacks. These kinds of posts/comments will be locked and/or deleted.

Treat other members with respect by talking in a factual, constructive, and positive manner. Members come to the page expecting to learn in a positive environment without ridicule.

These guidelines are subject to change at any time at the discretion of the group moderators.


Guidelines developed based on those used by GTA Brews. Thanks for setting a great example for other clubs!