First off huge thank you to everyone from both clubs who participated in making this contest happen in any way. Brewers, judges, organizers, big round of thanks all around!

Apologies for the delay in getting the results out. The move to alert level 5 resulted in some changes to the plan at both clubs.

Now, on to what you’ve all been waiting for! Generally speaking, all of the entries to this competition were excellent. More than one of these categories was decided by a margin of less than a single point, and all brewers who entered should feel great about the beers they brewed. That said, there can be only one winner, and here are the results:

CategoryWinning BrewerClub
KolschBlair KellyMiddle of Nowhere
Weiss Bier“3 Neighbours Brewing”
Quinton Keats, Darryl Patey, Tom Kennedy
Middle of Nowhere
Irish StoutDarren DaweMiddle of Nowhere
American IPAHenry HusseyNewfermenters
SaisonMark OsbourneMiddle of Nowhere

Congratulations to all the winners! And big congratulations to Middle of Nowhere Homebrew Club as the overall winner of the duel! Your entries were excellent and the win is well deserved!

All brewers who participated in the final round will be contacted with your score sheets from all the judges sometime in the next day or two once we’ve gotten them all scanned and sorted. Thanks for your patience.