Our annual tradition is back for its fourth year! For anyone new to the group this year, Newfermenters organizes a homebrew advent beer calendar every year. The first 24 people interested who can commit to submit 24 beer are guaranteed to have a spot. In return you will receive one of everyone else’s beer.

How to Enter

First 24 emails to newfermenters@gmail.com with “2019 Advent” in the subject line (and contact info with beer details like style & potential ABV in the body) gets a spot!

Have fun decorating the bottles. Creativity encouraged! Also: please ensure your beer are packaged in clean, reusable packaging.

Drop Off and Pickup Details

Drop offs will be at either Bill Burton (Torbay), Steve Canning (CBS), Craig Farewell (St. John’s East End), Alex Conrad (St. John’s Centre) house during the week of November 16-23.

Pickup will be at Steve’s house on November 30 (or by request, the location you dropped off your beer). Contact the nearest person to you on Facebook for address details.